Our Mission
Our Story
Founded in 2018, Future Fields is on a mission to change how we do science for humanity and the planet. Our biomanufacturing platform, the EntoEngine™, is the first synthetic biology system in the world to use fruit flies for recombinant protein production. Powered by people and fly by design, we’re equipping industries with the biomolecular tools they need to sustainably, ethically, and economically conduct great science.
We see a future where embracing the full human experience does not compromise the health and viability of humanity and the planet.
Meet the Team
Matt Anderson-Baron, PhD
Co-Founder & CEO
Jalene Anderson-Baron, MA
Co-Founder & COO
Chris Fetterly, PhD
VP Sales & Marketing
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Proud dad, cell biologist, cycling enthusiast, former punk-rock artist
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Mom, ice cream connoisseur, bird watcher, exercise enthusiast
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Tech-utopian, nanoscientist, sci-fi / fantasy fan, martial arts enthusiast
Matthew Alexander, CPA, CA
VP Finance & Admin
Ela Dudek, PhD
VP Research & Development
Erik Luber, PhD
VP Technology
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Cycling aficionado, lover of the outdoors, woodworker
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STEMinist, women in science advocate, student mentor, community leader, mother
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Engineering physicist, lover of maths, sustainable energy scientist, aerial straps coach/performer, rational optimist
Anzer Khan, PhD
Genetics Lead
Connor Davis
Research Scientist II
Sophie Keegan, PhD
Sr. Research Scientist I
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Drosophilist, geneticist, cricket enthusiast, cook, winter lover
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Biochemist, climber, cyclist, chess enthusiast
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Geneticist, travel lover, ringette and piano player
Systems Design and Development
Brian Olsen, MSc
Sr. Systems Developer II
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Materials engineer, computer enthusiast, machine whisperer, 3D artist, piano player (sort-of)
Kennedy Tkach
Production Associate I
Amanda Grimmon
Production Technician
Artem Nazarenko
Production Technician
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Theatre buff, Red Seal pastry chef, aerial silk performer, adventure seeker
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Biologist, mother, sustainability advocate, crafty lady, lifter of heavy things, adorned with cats
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Child of nature, philosopher, educator, musician, hiker, basketball player, puzzle solver, gamer.
Quality Control & Regulatory
Lia Firth
Quality Control Lead
Iryna Ilienko, PhD
QC Sr. Research Scientist I
Brittany Fraser, MSc
QC Lab Coordinator
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Pharmacologist, gardener, dancer, gamer, mother of humans and cats
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Immunocytologist, mother, world traveller, appreciator of life’s beauty
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Lover of nature, soccer mom, Harry Potter fan, ultimate party planner
Thuy Nguyen, PhD
QC Sr. Research Scientist I
Ashley Pillay
QC Technician
Nagalakshmi Kannuchamy, PhD
Regulatory Affairs Lead
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Bio-analytical chemist, life-long learner, foodie, book lover, minimalist
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Avid reader, artist, movie lover, tech-geek, life-long learner
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Food scientist, food lover, mother, explorer
Operations & Finance
Brandon Kwong
Operations Lead
Abbas Mehdi
R&D Operations Associate
Mia Dennis
Finance Associate
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Near futurist, emoji enthusiast, grammer* geek, declining physique
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Startup enthusiast, synthetic biologist, human rights advocate
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Organizational wizard, avid traveller, sci-fi enthusiast, tea drinker
Protein Biochemistry
Laine Lysyk, MSc
Protein Biochemistry Lead
Paige Grant, MSc
Sr. Research Scientist I
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Protein scientist, globetrotter, thrifter, mountain explorer, classically trained singer
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Biochemist, social dancer, puppy snuggler, nail art enthusiast
Tautvydas Paskevicius, PhD
Sr. Research Scientist I
Paria Asadi
Scientist II
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Biochemist, adventurer, ultra hiking enthusiast, peakbagger, challenge seeker, documentary lover
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Biologist, women's rights advocate, dog lover, kids' best friend, kitchen experimenter
Janelle Johnson, MSc
Biomanufacturing Lead
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Virologist, lover of stories, martial arts practitioner, community science outreach advocate, fur-baby mother
Sales & Marketing
Diane Jeon
Marketing Lead
Simon Wu, MSc
Marketing Associate
Jeremy Jerasi, MSc
Business Development Representative
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Night owl, soup lover, Americano appreciator, downhill skier, uphill thinker
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Enjoying making videos, understanding businesses, and travelling
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Organic chemistry tutor, fantasy novel buff, constantly hungry for food and knowledge
Matt Anderson-Baron, PhD
Co-Founder & CEO
read more
Proud dad, cell biologist, cycling enthusiast, former punk-rock artist
Jalene Anderson-Baron, MA
Co-Founder & COO
read more
Mom, ice cream connoisseur, bird watcher, exercise enthusiast
Chris Fetterly, PhD
VP Sales & Marketing
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Tech-utopian, nanoscientist, sci-fi / fantasy fan, martial arts enthusiast
Matthew Alexander, CPA, CA
VP Finance & Admin
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Cycling aficionado, lover of the outdoors, woodworker
Ela Dudek, PhD
VP Research & Development
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STEMinist, women in science advocate, student mentor, community leader, mother
Erik Luber, PhD
Head of Engineering
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Engineering physicist, lover of maths, sustainable energy scientist, aerial straps coach/performer, rational optimist
Operations & Finance
Brandon Kwong
Operations Lead
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Near futurist, emoji enthusiast, grammer* geek, declining physique
Abbas Mehdi
R&D Operations Associate
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Startup enthusiast, synthetic biologist, human rights advocate
Mia Dennis
Finance Associate
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Organizational wizard, avid traveller, sci-fi enthusiast, tea drinker
Anzer Khan, PhD
Genetics Lead
read more
Drosophilist, geneticist, cricket enthusiast, cook, winter lover
Connor Davis
Research Scientist
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Biochemist, climber, cyclist, chess enthusiast
Sophie Keegan, PhD
Mitacs Elevate Postdoctoral Fellow
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Geneticist, travel lover, ringette and piano player
Protein Biochemistry
Laine Lysyk, MSc
Protein Biochemistry Lead
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Protein scientist, globetrotter, thrifter, mountain explorer, classically trained singer
Paige Grant, MSc
Senior Research Scientist
read more
Biochemist, social dancer, puppy snuggler, nail art enthusiast
Tautvydas Paskevicius, PhD
Senior Research Scientist
read more
Biochemist, adventurer, ultra hiking enthusiast, peakbagger, challenge seeker, documentary lover
Engineering & Production
Brian Olsen, MSc
Automation & Design Engineer
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Materials engineer, computer enthusiast, machine whisperer, 3D artist, piano player (sort-of)
Kennedy Tkach
Production Associate
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Theatre buff, Red Seal pastry chef, aerial silk performer, adventure seeker
Artem Nazarenko
Production Technician
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Child of nature, philosopher, educator, musician, hiker, basketball player, puzzle solver, gamer.
Amanda Grimmon
Production Technician
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Biologist, mother, sustainability advocate, crafty lady, lifter of heavy things, adorned with cats
Janelle Johnson, MSc
Biomanufacturing Lead
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Virologist, lover of stories, martial arts practitioner, community science outreach advocate, fur-baby mother
Paria Asadi
Biomanufacturing Associate
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Biologist, women's rights advocate, dog lover, kids' best friend, kitchen experimenter
Quality Control & Regulatory
Lia Firth
Quality Control Lead
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Pharmacologist, gardener, dancer, gamer, mother of humans and cats
Thuy Nguyen, PhD
QC Associate
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Bio-analytical chemist, life-long learner, foodie, book lover, minimalist
Iryna Ilienko, PhD
Senior Research Scientist
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Immunocytologist, mother, world traveller, appreciator of life’s beauty
Brittany Fraser, MSc
QC Lab Coordinator
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Lover of nature, soccer mom, Harry Potter fan, ultimate party planner
Nagalakshmi Kannuchamy, PhD
Regulatory Affairs Lead
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Food scientist, food lover, mother, explorer
Ashley Pillay
QC Technician
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Avid reader, artist, movie lover, tech-geek, life-long learner
Sales & Marketing
Diane Jeon
Marketing Lead
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Night owl, soup lover, Americano appreciator, downhill skier, uphill thinker
Simon Wu, MSc
Marketing Associate
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Enjoying making videos, understanding businesses, and travelling
Jeremy Jerasi, MSc
Business Development Representative
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Organic chemistry tutor, fantasy novel buff, constantly hungry for food and knowledge
30 years of pharma BD
Former VP of BD at Johnson & Johnson
30 years executive biotech
Former VP, European Operations and Global Marketing at PeproTech
30 years executive biotech
Former VP, European Operations and Global Marketing at PeproTech
Former CDO and VP
Leadership positions at CGI Pharma (Gilead), Pfizer, Jubliant, Piramal, Biocon, and Oblique Therapeutics
17 years in synthetic biology
Founder and CEO of SynBioBeta
Nobel Prize Laureate (2020)
30 years in vaccine development
30 years of pharma BD
Former VP of BD at Johnson & Johnson
30 years executive biotech
Former VP, European Operations and Global Marketing at PeproTech
32 years biomanufacturing
Worked with Amgen, Shire, Genzyme, GlaxoSmithKline, and Wyeth
Former CDO and VP
Leadership positions at CGI Pharma (Gilead), Pfizer, Jubliant, Piramal, Biocon, and Oblique Therapeutics
17 years in synthetic biology
Founder and CEO of SynBioBeta
Nobel Prize Laureate (2020)
30 years in vaccine development
30 years of pharma BD
Former VP of BD at Johnson & Johnson
30 years executive biotech
Former VP, European Operations and Global Marketing at PeproTech
32 years biomanufacturing
Worked with Amgen, Shire, Genzyme, GlaxoSmithKline, and Wyeth
Former CDO and VP
Leadership positions at CGI Pharma (Gilead), Pfizer, Jubliant, Piramal, Biocon, and Oblique Therapeutics
17 years in synthetic biology
Founder and CEO of SynBioBeta
Nobel Prize Laureate (2020)
30 years in vaccine development
Partners & Investors