The EntoEngine™

The EntoEngine™

Fruit flies for advanced biomanufacturing

Fruit flies for advanced biomanufacturing

U.S. Patent Number 11,991,994

U.S. Patent Number 11,991,994

The EntoEngine™

The EntoEngine™

Fruit flies for advanced biomanufacturing

Fruit flies for advanced biomanufacturing

U.S. Patent Number 11,991,994

U.S. Patent Number 11,991,994

Reinventing recombinant protein production

Using Drosophila melanogaster as the expression host, our first-of-its-kind EntoEngine™ combines genetic engineering with insect farming to produce recombinant proteins at scale.

Thinking outside the tank

E. coli and yeast are great for simple proteins, but lack the machinery to make more complex products.

Mammalian cells can make more complex proteins, but may run into cost inefficiencies at larger amounts.

Our transgenic fruit fly approach can fill in these gaps by producing challenging recombinant proteins at scale.

Thinking outside the tank

E. coli and yeast are great for simple proteins, but lack the machinery to make more complex products.

Mammalian cells can make more complex proteins, but may run into cost inefficiencies at larger amounts.

Our transgenic fruit fly approach can fill in these gaps by producing challenging recombinant proteins at scale.

Unicellular Systems

single cell system

Gene inserted into single cell system

single cell cannot produce

Limited cell machinery produces misfolded and dysfunctional protein

no product or unfeasible yield

No product or unfeasible yield

The EntoEngine™

Drosophila melanogaster

A single strain is engineered and gene is inserted into the Drosophila genome

Drosophila memultiple cell types screened

Multiple cell types of larvae are screened in parallel for optimal yield and protein functionality

Proteins successfully expressed and purified in a functional form

Unicellular Systems

single cell system

Gene inserted into single cell system

single cell cannot produce

Limited cell machinery produces misfolded and dysfunctional protein

no product or unfeasible yield

No product or unfeasible yield

The EntoEngine™

Drosophila melanogaster

A single strain is engineered and gene is inserted into the Drosophila genome

Drosophila memultiple cell types screened

Multiple cell types of larvae are screened in parallel for optimal yield and protein functionality

Proteins successfully expressed and purified in a functional form

Production Process

Self-Contained Video 1

Fly by design, enabling great science

"Future Fields is a shining example of what is incredible about the innovation driving the bioeconomy. Using fruit flies as ‘factories’ for recombinant proteins is an ingenious approach to bringing more scalable and sustainable solutions to biomanufacturing."

- Dr. John Cumbers, founder and CEO of SynBioBeta

What to consider when choosing an expression host?

Self-Contained Video 2

In the world of therapeutics and complex biologics, selecting the appropriate expression host presents a unique two-fold challenge.

Drug developers and researchers are asking:

  • Can this expression system successfully produce my complex protein target?

  • Can the expression system produce my protein economically at scale?

In a recent article, we explore 7 expression platforms and their unique strengths, including our own paradigm-shifting EntoEngine™ that fills in the gaps presented in status quo systems today.

Genetic tools enabling protein expression in fruit flies

Drosophila melanogaster has served as a vital model organism for research for over a century. At Future Fields, we build on this century-long history to advance Drosophila in the arena of recombinant protein production.

Our genetics process includes:

  • Stable incorporation: Integration of gene of interest into Drosophila genome.

  • Tunable expression system: Optimizing protein expression using unique genetic tools in Drosophila.
  • Easy maintenance and traceability: Phenotypic markers of Drosophila to precisely track inheritance of specific alleles.

In a recent article, we explore how these 3 unique advantages of Drosophila melanogaster-based expression enable DTEP production.

Self-Contained Video 3

EntoEngine™ in Action

Our EntoEngine™ is a breakthrough bioreactor-independent platform utilizing Drosophila melanogaster for scalable and robust recombinant protein production. The expansive genetic toolkit for Drosophila allows for genetically stable, tissue-specific, and inducible expression to produce high-quality, bioactive proteins.

Illustrated through three case studies in our downloadable poster, our system seamlessly scales and produces functional protein with appropriate PTMs. This innovative approach has the potential to overcome recombinant protein expression difficulties associated with conventional systems.

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